Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Guest Author Day with Shiela Stewart

Angels and Demons: Taboo or the new in thing?

Heaven and hell. Good and evil. God and Satan. We’ve all learnt about it, talked about it, debated it. God is the divine Lord, ruler of good. Satan, bad man, sins, fear him. But is writing about Satan wrong? What about a demon and an angel mating? The child would be divine and evil all in one. Do you think God would tolerate one of his angels procreating with a demon? What do you think the punishment would be if he found out? And what about Satan? What would he do if one of his minions were to bed an angel and get her pregnant?

In my current work in progress, Awaken the Demon, I delve right into the good an evil. Draco Starr is a direct descendent of Satan. He was sent to earth centuries ago to collect souls for his master. But he’s grown tired of it and wants something more for his life. He’s a multi-millionaire owning real estate across the world but no matter how famous or successful he becomes, he always has the shadow of his calling haunting him. When Satan finds out a child has been born from a demon and human, he sends Draco on the search for her. Draco sees this as his way out and decides to bargain with Satan. If he finds this woman, his contract with Satan must be ended.

Missy Green is a woman running from an abusive boyfriend. When she crashes her car into Draco’s Limo and brought to his home to recuperate, she has no idea she is in the midst of a demon. In order to pay off her damages, she agrees to take a job as one of his maids. But when she stumbled upon Draco performing an incantation on a woman she’s thrown into a world beyond comprehension. Learning you are a demon is hard enough to grasp, and having Satan after you so he can control your soul is staggering, but finding out the woman that gave birth to you was actually and angel is something Missy has no idea how to deal with.

Now, I’m not going to divulge anymore about the story, only that Draco and Missy fall in love and eventually live happily ever after…sort of. But when I first wrote this story, Missy was the daughter of a demon and witch. She had powers that outmatched Draco’s, her strength surpassing his. As I wrote it, something didn’t feel right. Sure, she was strong, but would being a demon and a witch make her stronger than a man born directly from one of Satan’s genes? It just didn’t want to work for me. Then it hit me. Her mother wasn’t a witch, she was an angel disguised as a witch to blend in. And everything just clicked.

Awaken the Demon is book one in my demon series. So far there are three books planned and each one deals with Satan having control over Draco and his family.

Book Two, Offer the Demon deals with Draco and Missy’s daughter, Aurora. Born to collect souls for Satan, Aurora wants only to live a normal life. When she meets the man of her dreams, Scot Monroe, she is willing to do anything to rid herself of her calling even if it means giving up being a demon. But when Satan refuses to let her go, Aurora goes head to head with the Devil determined to win.

Book Three: Claiming the Demon looks at the life of Mick Monroe. Son of Aurora and Scott, Grandson of Draco and Missy. Mick is a cocky rock star with a voice of an angel. Only he didn’t come by that talent alone. As a child Satan began to train Mick with the goal that when the time was right, Mick would assist him in rising and taking over the world. When meets Officer Laci Harris the cocky bachelor is determined to bed the busty beauty. But when he meets her son, Tim, all his machismo is thrown out the door. The kid is an admirer of Mick’s music and clings to the devote lady killer. As Mick begins to fall for Laci and her son and contemplates giving up his lifestyle, Satan steps in with better plans. But when Mick refuses to give in, Satan pulls no punches and causes major turmoil in Mick’s life, leaving him no choice but to follow along with the plan. But love often conquers all and with his family at his side, Mick is willing to fight to the death.

Now I ask you this. Is it taboo to write about Angel’s and Demon’s? If so, why? Once upon a time people thought vampire books were taboo and those that wrote about them were evil as well. I think it’s time to stir up the romance world with something a little taboo. And I’m hoping Angel’s and Demon’s are the next big wave. What do you think?

Shiela Stewart


DawnsReadingNook said...

Hi Shiela,

Wow this sounds like a cool new series. Do you see it coming in 2010? :)

Thanks for being here today.

Kiyara said...

No, I don't think it's taboo, but I do feel that if one writes about angels, unless it's inspirational fiction, that the sales are less. People like that 'bad boy' or 'bad girl' slant, and only angels doesn't have that. Mix angels AND demons, then you've got the interest of the readres

Katie Alexander said...

I don't see it as a taboo at all. Would either God or Satan be upset that one of each had been together to create a demon/angel child, I am not quite sure. I think Satan would be more into what can he get from them more than anything. God on the other hand would try to save their soul.

I also want to know when this comes out. I loved your Darkness Series. I have a feeling that I will love this one too.

s7anna said...

I don't think it's at all sounds fascinating...I'm currently reading a book with Angel-Demon characters and I'm very captivated by the storyline. It'll be interesting to have a new player in the paranormal world.

Happy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque

Shiela said...

Hi Dawn! Thanks so much for having me today. :)

That is my hope. I am currently looking into publishers to see where it will fit in. Since each of the books will be relitivly long, It might be tough to find a home for them. But I'm persistant and I know they will find a home. :)

Shiela said...

Hi Kiyara,

Draco is definitely a bad boy, or a recovering bad boy. Someone who collects souls for Satan by taking the lives of humans can't be good, but he's trying to break out of it. :)

Shiela said...

Hi Katie, great to see you here. I'm so glad you enjoyed my Darkness series. :)

Satan is very interested in this child which I call a halfling. But he's not telling Draco exactly why he's so interested in her.
The thing is, Missy's mother, along with some very powerful witches, have put a spell on her soul to hide her from both Satan and God.

Unknown said...

Hi Shiela :)
Thank you very much for sharing here today.
Your series description is intriguing and the characters are interesting. I'll definitely read them when they are published. Angels/Fallen Angels/Demons are becoming ever-more popular, witness the success of Hush, Hush.
Happy Holidays,

Shiela said...

Hi Anna and RK. Thanks for stopping by.

I've been busy working my butt of to get the first book done. My goal is to send it off to publishers by February 1st. I sure hope it's the new thing in paranormal romance. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shiela,

Your Plot(s) sound fascinating! My opinion is that Angel/Demon combos in a story only makes it all the more intriguing, and I dont think there should be a Taboo on it. I have a Paranormal Romance titled HER HEART HIS SOUL, where the hero (Drake) has the DNA of both Angel and Demon. He constantly fights his evil side. Ahhh, the perfect bad boy with two personas! (ggg) Readers have commented that Drake is VERY UNIQUE and totally bad boy sexy because of his mixed DNA.

Anyhoo! I look forward to reading your books on this series!

Kari Thomas, Paranormal Romance Author,

Shiela Stewart said...

Hi Kari, glad to see you finally made it. :)

I'm hoping to find a publisher who agrees with you that Angels and Demons aren’t taboo. I know some publishers are skittish about books that deal with Satan or religion but maybe there is one out there that isn't. :)

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